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Home » Episode 28: Shopper Insights with Mike Moussallem

Episode 28: Shopper Insights with Mike Moussallem

On a product shelf, everything is competing for your attention and ultimately your loyalty as a consumer. But the shop reality of it is that decisions are made by shoppers in mere moments and THAT is what shopper insight researchers are looking to understand.

We are talking about split-second decisions made by customers – if then, what do you need to communicate about our brand hierarchy to make our product most memorable? What type of signage is being used to communicate your offer with impact?

When it comes to market research methods like shopper research – or shopper insights – we are looking at exploring what it is about a consumer’s behaviour that makes a shopper choose one product over another? Is it product design? How visually the packaging is? There are so many details that go into this shopping decision, not these categories – there are many. Lots.

So what types of behavioural sciences can we explore to understand this?

That is where shopper research comes in.

Shopper Insights

In Episode 28 of SoMR, we talk shopper research with Mike Moussallem, Partner at Explorer Research. Mike, a shopper insights expert, helps us understand what businesses are doing right now to support their customer shopping decisions. Together, Sharday and Mike look at how shopper insights can help understand current behaviours and how brands are responding. They explore the outcomes businesses may see from various shopper research methods.

Mike and Sharday touch on agribusiness as an example industry that uses shopper insights methods to support product and packaging decisions.

“The purest form of shopper insights could be absolutely free, just standing in the actual environment, observing people as they actually complete their shopping experience… Even if the budgets aren’t there, you can still get meaningful insights.”

– Mike Moussallem, Shopper Insights Expert

More information on today’s episode:

Check out the amazing work Mike and his team are doing!

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