Market research online communities, or online market research panels, represent an opportunity for researchers to access participants regardless of location or time, quickly and effectively, and usually at a lower cost than traditional ad hoc research.
Made up of individuals who participate in research projects via the internet, the research functions for these online panels can be as diverse as the individuals who make up their membership.
Niche panels are more specific than general market research panels. Sometimes, brands require information stemming from specific populations – like an age range, occupation or lifestyle – to ensure they get information from only that population segment with the unique knowledge base they are looking to tap into.
By gathering this targeted group of individuals into a niche panel, brands gain a dependable and relevant group they can access almost any time to gather the information that’s more actionable and germane to their research problem.
In Episode 17 of our podcast series, we’re joined by Insightrix Creative Lead and Digital Strategist, Sharday Torgerson, and Research Associate, Julie Ellis, to explore how these niche panels are developed, how researchers recruit for them and how they are employed in market research.
For the discussion, we use a recently built panel (our young adult panel) as a model of how a niche panel is developed. We chat about how this niche young adult panel was envisioned, recruited for and talk about some of the research they’ve already participated in – and some in which they may be engaged in the future.
“We have been able to dedicate research teams to create these niche communities around these segments our clients might find of interest.”
– Sharday Torgerson, Creative and Digital Strategist
If you would like to know more about niche panels, or our young adult panel specifically, contact us. We’d love to explore how employing an online community may benefit your next research project.
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